The body is the portal, the temple and the means through which I exit the mind (space of polarity) enter the way (heart space of clarity) and connect with my soul again (loving expression of oneness). I have always been a dancer. Moving my way out of fear is actually finding home in dissonance. Nothing can rapture you if you are willing to dance with it. I want to propose a whole other choreography though. One with wings, creative agency, complete ownership of what the body wants to communicate. I have been taking ownership of my destiny and responding from the energy I wish to attract. Absolute freedom of expression and mobility. I have been in Aruba for about three years now. The healing qualities of the natural landscape brought me back. It allowed me to give birth to CARICIA, The Daimari Experience. I have both performed and initiated many beautiful beings into the practice of caressing. Yes beloved, caressing as the state of complete presence and remembrance. Reclaiming the sensuality our culture so desperately wants to erase. But also tapping into the ancestral wisdom that we are one with nature. Debunk the separation by radically caressing. I make my students dance with the wind, the earth and it’s textures a score. There is sensuality but there is also the child at play. Unfolding a route with various epiphanies and portals to awakening. Dancing is more of an exploration than a means to an end. It cannot be fixated, every movement arises from the uniqueness of the inhale and exhale. If we are continuously growing, evolving and expanding our horizons, attaining more perspective, more authenticity, attuning to more love, for ourselves and others. Then we can ensure that we are safe
Life’s melody is continuously shifting. So when we move, we move with the exact package we have been given. This package is the recipe for change. How can we empower through movement the deep seated knowledge that we have the ability to transform our story? Dance is the medicine to be able to feel your energy move swiftly from scarcity to abundance. You are never the victim here. You are the creator and movement is the first practice towards completely embodying that eternal wisdom. I am taking bold steps towards holding space for us to feel and move into remembrance. I wish to be a conduit for our empowered creative expression. So I have designed a portal for us to commit to building extended family. So here beloved is your kindred invitation, let’s become family and move into the vision. Subscribe to my monthly Moonday virtual container on patron for 11$ a month. Starting the 27th of March. Where I will lay on the table my heart’s work and hold space for us to grow and listen again to what our body’s have to share.
Be defiant in your pursuit for liberating yourself of the “should, could and woulds”. To dance is to find a clean slate. One of the core beliefs I have imprinted with the years is that the body is the keeper of our lineage. To dance is to awaken the memories of our ancestors. To dance is to invite the wisdom of the ancients into our awareness. Decode and liberate, it is a conversation with the fluctuating state. With a pulse. With holding space for discovery, growth, expansion. Nobody can tell you what is the right way to move. But dare to commit to the space to awaken: your own unique authentic way.